WAP AUTO PARTS is the online automotive parts distribution of Nisto Rubber Manufacturing Company Limited. We aim to provide consumers, both domestic and abroad with convenient access to automotive rubber part products from Thai manufacturers. The channel facilitates purchasing orders, payment of goods, product shipping to the customer's address. We wish our customers to have a good driving experience with confidence, provided by ours.

Nisto products exported to over 40 countries as well as 30 years’ experience in this industry. 

Nisto Rubber Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has relentlessly strived to improve our products. Our factory meets ISO 9001/2015 standard with the OEM production processes and reasonable pricing.

Our steel stamping and rubber plants enable us to control the production process from upstream to downstream; mold production-quality and specifications of raw materials in steel and rubber.

Quality assurance and customer satisfaction are the top priority in our business. The company desires to produce quality products, with strong and durable features* designed to perfectly fit your vehicle, at reasonable prices. Under no circumstances should customers feel disappointed by receiving products unmatched to the quality they expected prices for everyone can trust There is no reason that the customer has bought the product to be disappointed on unexpected quality of it.

Finally, selling through this channel, we are very pleased to partner with foreign importers, wholesaler, and dealers from all over the world who would like to grow your business with NISTO rubber parts. You can contact us through this website.

Certificate ISO9001/2015
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